Loops and Walks, Selected works 2012-2022
Kr. 250
Loops and Walks — selection of works by Tumi Magnússon 2012—2022
Heiðar Kári Rannversson writes the introduction and texts about individual works are written by
Mikkel Bogh, Gitte Broeng, Jonatan Habib Engqvist and Sunna Astthorsdóttir.
The title of the book, Loops and Walks refers to movement and time, walking and repetition. The
book covers Tumi’s video and audio installations, drawings and paintings on plates, walls, paper
and landscapes. Sound sculptures, photographic works and photographic wall works created in the
years 2012-2022. Often the boundaries between methods are unclear, e.g. a drawing can be
choreography and come close to being a video, and a video can be presented as a painting or a
drawing. A piece of music can be both a drawing and a journey.
In all the works, the element of time is important, together with sound, image, space and
movement. Many of the works are site specific. They are often somewhat nonsensical, the
approach is difficult and they do not always lead the viewer in obvious or usual directions.
Presenting the works in a publication is therefore helpful, and integrates these different elements of
the works by showing them all together, like a small 10-year retrospective.[/vc_column_text]
Tumi Magnússon
208 sider
format: 16,5 x 23,5cm.
vægt: 715g.
tryk: Narayana Press
Udgivet med støtte fra:
Icelandic Visual Arts Fund
Statens Kunstfond
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond
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Vægt | 0,9 kg |